Delay in CT scan left man with severe brain injury
Michael received over £1 million in compensation when he was left with a severe brain injury after hospital delayed a crucial scan.
Michael was set upon as he was leaving a pub around midnight, and was punched in the face and fell and banged the back of his head on the pavement.
He was taken to his local hospital but the emergency doctors did not appreciate the seriousness of his injury. They should have ordered a CT scan immediately. However, they thought his aggression and poor behaviour was alcohol-related.
Michael was placed on a side ward on observation but was found by a nurse some four hours later, unconscious and struggling to breathe. They eventually carried out the CT scan, which showed he had a serious skull fracture and had suffered a brain haemorrhage.
He was then transferred to Hope hospital for immediate surgery but was left with a relatively severe brain injury which made him unsteady on his feet and in need of some day time care.
The hospital should have carried out a CT scan within 15 minutes of Michael’s arrival to A&E which would have clearly identified his injuries, allowing the surgery to take place within a reasonable amount of time. This did not happen and so Michael suffers with the long term consequences.
Whilst Michael has made some improvement and is now able to walk, he still needs help with his daily life. He struggles with his independence and has behavioural and memory problems.
He also lacks capacity to deal with his own financial affairs and so a Court of Protection Deputy has been appointed to assist him with this.
Potter Rees Dolan was successful, despite many complexities and litigation risks, in securing a settlement of £1.2 million for Michael which will assist in providing the care and therapies he needs to move on with his life.
Helen Dolan acted for Michael and commented:
I worked closely with Michael and his mum during this case to make sure I really understood the the effect his injury had on the family dynamic.