Brain injury survivor publishes book on his experiences
- 21.05.2019
- JessicaMG
- Personal-injury, Court-of-Protection, Personal-injury, Court-of-Protection
Max Muteliso was a back-seat passenger in a car when it crashed on the M1 motorway in 2001. The car flipped over and a 20-year-old Mr Muteliso suffered severe internal bleeding to his brain after fracturing his skull.
As a result of his brain injury, Mr Muteliso was left with weakness down one side of his body and requires constant use of a wheelchair. He also suffers with fatigue, memory loss and often struggles with his concentration.
As Mr Muteliso was found not to have capacity to manage his own finances, he was placed under Court of Protection care. The compensation Mr Muteliso's solicitors secured for his injuries has helped contribute towards a specially adapted home, as well as helping him return to education.
In spite of his brain injury, Mr Muteliso decided to travel the world in 2015 and he has recently published his first book - Headfirst Thrills On Wheels - detailing his experiences.
Mr Muteliso said: "I always wanted to write a book and create my own metaphors, therefore the book is not only literary, but also eye-opening and enlightening.”
Touching on how he has coped with his injuries, Mr Muteliso added: "I’m fine, meaning I have no pain now, but the physical challenges are the order of the day.
“When indoors, particularly in my house, I try to use my crutches as much as possible, and I use my outdoor electric chair when out of the house.
“Being disabled makes me different and difference is what makes this world. Better yet, I use my difference to see what another person might not see.”
Ruth Wright, Head of Court of Protection here at Potter Rees Dolan, comments:
Max's story is a perfect example to show that just because someone has a brain injury, doesn’t mean that they can’t achieve the things they want to with the right support and structure in place. Max has the benefit of a compensation payment and with careful management and guidance from his Court of Protection appointed Deputy he has been able to travel and share his experiences through his book.
Take a look at some of the testimonials for our Court of Protection team here.
Ruth Wright is Head of the Court of Protection team and has 13 years of experience of acting as a professional Court of Protection deputy, as well as a Trustee for both children and adults. Should you have any queries about Court of Protection issues or indeed any other aspect of this article and wish to speak to Ruth or any other member of the team, please contact us on 0161 237 5888 or email Ruth directly.