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NHS Trusts ranked by their ability to learn from mistakes

  • Mar 10, 2016
  • EmmaArnold

In an attempt to improve patient safety, NHS Health Trusts have been ranked by their ability to learn from the mistakes they have made.

This is the first annual 'learning from mistakes league' which used feedback from staff who told of their freedom to speak when something goes wrong.

Staff are encouraged to report concerns without bringing conflict with their employer and should have legal protection if giving any information for an investigation following a mistake.

The review also looked into legal protection for staff who admit their mistakes and medical examiners are to review all deaths to confirm the cause.

Lesley Herbertson, senior solicitor in the clinical negligence department at PotterReesDolan, said:

The changes proposed relating to a new era of openness are of course to be welcomed by all. Hospital employees should feel that they can highlight any failings in treatment either by themselves or others without any negative impact on them. Admitting a mistake is the first step towards resolving any consequent issues for patients as well as improving patient safety generally.

However, the approach taken across the NHS needs to be consistent and monitored to ensure that all hospitals are equally active in highlighting any issues. This will mean that all staff in every hospital feel equally comfortable in coming forward and then that each hospital takes appropriate action.

For years our clients have said to us that, as far as they are concerned, if only the doctor who made an error in their treatment had apologised at the outset they would have felt less upset and disappointed in their treatment and they have even thought twice about bringing a claim. There is a lot to be said for more openness on many different levels within the NHS

A 'global patient safety summit' was hosted by Jeremy Hunt yesterday and today in London to support the new era of openness.

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