Study into link between brain injury and criminal behaviour
- Jun 30, 2016
- EmmaArnold
Research is underway in a US prison on the link between brain injury and its inmates.
After various neuropsychological examinations, one inmate showed evidence of repeated blunt force brain trauma and his cognitive and behavioural challenges.
Some inmates attend weekly sessions with a psychologist to talk over strategies to help them cope
They cover topics such as whether having a traumatic brain injury changes who they are and what triggers their symptoms.
This research comes after a pilot study three years ago which looked into the link between brain injury and criminal behaviour.
This study found 96% of inmates screened had suffered a moderate or severe brain trauma.
Helen Shaw, Senior Litigation Manager at PotterReesDolan, said:
This is an interesting article, particularly when dealing with clients who have suffered acquired or traumatic brain injury who may be at risk of offending or have committed previous offences.
The same team have expanded their research into traumatic brain injury and are now in the process of screening 15 correctional sites across Denver, USA.