Great news about new guidelines for cosmetic surgeons
- 12.04.2016
- HannahBottomley
- Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion
The rules will prevent offers such as “buy one get one free” for cosmetic surgery and require doctors to fully explain the risks of each procedure
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Diabetes test for pregnant women could be given too late to spot problems
- 08.04.2016
- LesleyHerbertson
- Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion
Whilst the current guidance for testing is that it should take place between 24 and 28 weeks, it would appear that it is generally being carried out closer to the end of that time period
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Pregnant women offered budgets to choose the care they receive
- 24.02.2016
- HannahBottomley
- Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion
The proposal is one of a number of recommendations stemming from a report into maternity care commissioned following the foetal and maternal deaths at Barrow Infirmary.
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Hundreds of unexpected deaths in the NHS were not investigated, says report
- 10.12.2015
- HannahBottomley
- Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion
I was personally horrified to read the about recent report commissioned to look into Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust with regards to deaths within their organisation and the subsequent investigations much publicised today.
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Babies born at the weekend have higher risk of dying, says study
- 26.11.2015
- HannahBottomley
- Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion
Hannah Bottomley comments on a recent study conducted by researchers at Imperial College London and published in the British Medical Journal commenting on infant mortality rates for babies born on weekends.
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Legal action taken against NHS Direct after baby dies of meningitis
- 17.11.2015
- HelenDolan
- Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion
I have unfortunately dealt with a number of cases over the years where my clients have suffered serious injuries due to the failure by telephone call handlers within the NHS system to appreciate the severity of their condition.
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Pauline and Doug's Story
- 17.11.2015
- HelenDolan
- Clinical-negligence, Clinical-negligence, Clinical-negligence, Clinical-negligence, Clinical-negligence, Clinical-negligence
One of my clients has posted a video through the RAF Association, an organisation which has helped her through her husband's injury
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Hospital admits clinical negligence after failing to check blood pressure which caused brain injury
- 16.11.2015
- JeremySmith
- Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion
I read recently of the very sad case involving 13 year old Ben Harman, who tragically suffered a severe brain injury soon after his birth when the hospital failed to spot that he had catastrophically low levels of blood sugar.
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The right for a patient to choose a specific surgeon they trust
- 13.11.2015
- HannahBottomley
- Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion, Clinical-negligence, Opinion
The right to choose your surgeon is an interesting topic and I’m sure an emotive topic for many
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