Our Featured Charity: Activity Alliance
- 01.08.2018
- EmmaArnold
- None
The national charity looks to a better future where everyone can enjoy the opportunities available. With a strong desire to improve quality of life and the health and well-being of all disabled people, the vision of Activity Alliance is that disabled people are active for life.
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Scheme at Manchester Airport for those with 'hidden disabilities'
- 31.07.2018
- EmmaArnold
- None
After the disabled access at Manchester Airport was deemed poorest in the country by the Civil Aviation Authority, it is working on ways to improve the experience for vulnerable people. Since the report, the airport has taken 'some positive steps' for people with hidden disabilities or those who use their assistance service.
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Ending amputee disability - the expert opinion
- 19.07.2018
- EmmaArnold
- Personal-injury, Opinion, Personal-injury, Opinion
Senior Solicitor Richard Edwards is experienced in dealing with personal injury claims for people who have suffered amputation injuries. We spoke to Richard to get his views on the themes we’ve discussed throughout our prosthesis series, and conclude whether we can end amputee disability in 2018.
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The public perception of amputee disability
- 13.07.2018
- EmmaArnold
- None
Through our work with amputees, we’ve developed a very detailed understanding of different prosthetic technologies and the benefits and issues associated with them; but one of the key focuses of this campaign was to understand the public’s thoughts on the matter. We recently ran a survey to gauge those thoughts and, thanks to the hundreds of people who participated, we’ve gleaned some incredibly interesting insights.
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Barriers to ending amputee disability
- 11.07.2018
- EmmaArnold
- None
Hi-tech prosthesis can help to improve the quality of life for amputees and those born without limbs, making them much less restricted by their disability. But despite the rapid advancements being made to prosthetic technology, amputees face a multitude of challenges to secure and effectively operate hi-tech prosthesis.
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Masterplan for UK's biggest cycling network in Manchester
- 09.07.2018
- EmmaArnold
- None
A multi-million pound plan has been announced to introduce thousand of miles of cycle and walking lanes across Greater Manchester.
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Here we consider how this body augmentation and transhumanism is being explored outside of the realms of treating and improving the quality of life of amputee patients.
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Modern prosthesis: the technology available to amputees today
- 27.06.2018
- EmmaArnold
- None
We take a look at how artificial limbs and the technologies behind their development have advanced in recent years to shape the cutting-edge prosthesis that are now available.
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Body augmentation and transhumanism: the future of prosthetics
- 21.06.2018
- EmmaArnold
- None
Modern prosthesis: the technology available to amputees today
- 21.06.2018
- EmmaArnold
- None